When “employees” are misclassified as independent contractors, instead of employees, no one wins. Workers who are independent contractors are not entitled to unemployment benefits, medical insurance, social security, FMLA or vacation, workers’ compensation and other important benefits. In addition, in some industries like construction, employers pay workers cash wages “under the table” – allowing them […]
Keep Missouri’s Prevailing Wage. Why? Keeps pay fair and work safe. Keeps Missouri’s tax base strong. Is good for ALL workers. Ensures quality work by skilled workers. Learn more here.
Prevailing Wage Laws ensure our schools and roads are built safely, by qualified and skilled workers, not by out-of-state companies or undocumented workers. Learn more about Prevailing Wage laws Here.
Wage theft occurs when workers aren’t paid all or part of their wages. For example, sometimes employers will not pay legally required overtime. When employees are disenfranchised, employers exploit workers who may not fully understand their rights. This practice is often accompanied by other forms of tax fraud, such as when employers misclassify employees as […]